A New Start

Sugar Rose

I have been using the Blog included in my website for a long time.
But my server changed owners and they have decided to not update my services. The most amazing part is that I am still a paying customer but seems easy to not tell customers that they have decided to forget you instead of helping you do a smooth transition to the new services. I found out because my website was moving so slow and not working as it used to do.

Not being happy with this situation I have decided to try another blog. I am right now working in a new website for my company, Design Me a Cake. I will be moving all my tutorials, photos, recipes and everything I have in the old website.

I didn’t build my website in one day. It took years to build. I open a website to help my students learn and it grew more than I’ve have ever expected.

My dream is to continue to make the website bigger and add more information, more designs and even advanced tutorials so that everybody have easy access to them. I have my DVD’s but people in other countries have a hard time with the shipping charges and I totally understand why. I just found out yesterday that Global Priority went up for around 5 dollars more. It’s a bit hard for me to see this. But I am trying to work around this.

The photo of the flower I just posted its a Gumpaste Rose.. I will talk more about it in my next post.

I have a lot of work ahead of me. Hopefully things will move fast.
All I can do is keep working and hope for the best.
It’s a New Year with a New Start…

Sugar Hugs, and until next blog… Ta ta!
Edna 🙂

27 thoughts on “A New Start

  1. Chin up girly! This looks great so far. I know it’s a lot of work, a new challenge but we’re here to support you. We appreciate all of that you do for is. Your BC is the best!!!! And your tutorial are perfect, so clear and dummy proof 🙂 We can’t wait to see more. God bless you bella.

  2. ellos son los que pierden a una gran disenadora de cakes usted es la del nombre y es una persona rreconosida y muy apresiada por toda las personas que la sigimos

  3. You got this.. like everything you do, you will strive for excellence and the best possible solution! Looking forward to your new posts.

  4. I’m new to your blog been following you on Facebook and I’m always on your website. Love everything you do. I’m sure your new blog will be as great as the last one. Your work is incredible. Keep up the hard work.

  5. Edna I’m terribly sad to here about your issues with the server and the terrible service your getting. I am still amazed that you so this all yourself! You do it as good as any professional you could employ if not better! Your one very talented clever lady who has inspired and continues to inspire so many of Us!!! I’m sure the new website will be even better! Big Gentle hugs my friend and please don’t push yourself too hard! Take care!!! It’s a huge huge job changing over after all the years and years worth of work. What’s that saying? Rome wasn’t built in a day 😉

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